April 15, 2014
What is Google Glass ?
Basically it's a pair of glasses ( actually one glass on the right hand side) with a lens that reflects directly onto the right eye's retina.
Google Glass uses something called "Bone Conduction Transducer (BCT). So if you were sitting next to Tal while he was wearing these, you wouldn't hear anything but he would be able to hear Glass speaking clearly. Wow!
Google Glass* offers access to a search engine, camera and connection to the web via existing Wi-fi. For those with Bluetooth and Android phones or Iphones, Google Glass connects with/via these too.
Pop, being in one place could use the simplest and least costly system: Wi-fi.
A typical day might start like this:
Pop could be lying in bed, reach down and put on his Google Glass. It senses automatically when it has been put "on" . This is called "On - Head Detection".
He turns on Google Glass using the "Head Wake Up" feature by lifting his head slightly. It is pre- set to react when you lift your head to an angle of 20°. You can also set this angle to whatever is comfortable.
It uses voice recognition software or a scroll pad device that is part of the right stem of the glasses. He wouldn't have to shout (!!!) just speak w his normal voice.
For the moment there are 8 Basic Voice actions of which 5, look like they would be most useful to him.
They are:
"Ok Glass..."
"Google..." (Google search engine")
"Send a message to...
"Make a call to...
"Make a video call to"
"Take a photo"
These are is just some of the basic options !
Pop would be able to hear his email via the Glass "Read Aloud" function.
Pop could write this blog using Glass' blogger app
Hear your comments read back to him.
He could write and read poetry, haikus and short stories.
Write letters and send them!
He could listen to a radio program/web cast.
He could hear the New York Times read to him.
He could listen to music of his choice.
Google Glass could offer him up to 7 hours a day of this kind of basic usage.
So here I am sending this big, big wish out into the universe :
Google Glass + Tal Streeter would make a great pair !
Today, April 15 2014 Google Glass goes on sale for 24hrs to anyone living in the USA that wants to "Become A Glass Explorer".**
Now how to come up with 1,500 Dollars? Hummmmm.
*Lots more things that Google Glass is capable of doing: getting directions, facebook, twitter, Reddit...the list of apps is phenomenal but this is what I think Pop, with practice, would be able to use.
**At present there are something like 8,000 Glass Explorers in the United States. They are used by people in all walks of life.
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